All of the Details…

When:    November 2, 2013   7pm-Midnight

Where:   Lincoln Country Club
              3485 Lake Michigan Drive NW
              Grand Rapids, MI 49534

Attire:       Casual

Cost includes: Heavy hors'devours, dessert bar, snacks, music, dancing, complimentary raffle tickets, cash bar and memories to last a lifetime!

Cost: Before October 15, 2013 / $25 individual, $40 couple

         After October 16, 2013/ $30 individual, $50 couple

Payment Methods:  Click on the Register the button below to make your reservations via Paypal, Mastercard / Visa or check.

If paying by check, Make payable to: West Catholic Class of 83 and mail to: 1408 Tenth Street NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49504

  1. Reunion Tickets

    Order NOW to save $$$

    Before October 15, 2013 / $25 individual, $40 couple
    After October 16, 2013/ $30 individual, $50 couple

    Price: $30.00 ($10.00 discount on second and subsequent purchases)