WC Class of ’83…Thirty Years Later


Saturday November 2, 2013
Mark Your Calendar!


Lincoln Country Club
7:00 PM - Midnight


Detailed information can be found by registering yourself right now…IT’S FREE! 

If you’re willing to help with reunion preparations, Please let us know! Click the Contact us button and we will get back to you ASAP! THANK YOU!

We greatly appreciate any door prize donations for our celebration! To donate and/give recognition to your business please email edauser423@gmail.com.

Pictures from the 25-Year Reunion are posted on the Photo Album pages on this site! YOU can add your own pictures in too (must be logged in)

Find more information and photos on Facebook - look for West Catholic Class of 83 page!

 Click the "RSVP/Buy Now" button at the top of this page to interact with your classmates and/or make reservations!


